Monday, April 1, 2013

Dr. Who is Back

Well after a long way from Christmas all the way to Easter doctor who is back and with another beautiful, witty, smart woman companion! Jenna Louise Coleman plays Clara Oswin Oswald in the longest running SiFi sites in history!  This year marking the 50th anniversary of the show, she along side of The Doctor himself Matt Smith are bring the show to new light!  I feel she is bringing a mix of old companions.  The live of Rose Tyler(Billie Piper), the stubbornness of Donna Nobel(Catherine Tate), the sweetness & innocence of Martha Jones(Freema Agyeman)!  And of course let's not forget the sexy and beauty/spice of Amy Pond(Karen Gillian)!  Jenna brings a new mix and sort of spice to the table. 
And of course the new great mystery of the girl who died twice, first as a Dalek and second as Clara Oswin Oswald in Victorian Times in the 50th Anniversary Christmas Special.  This new twist /mystery seems to be rivaling the past of River Songs true identity as the half human, half time lord origins of being the daughter of last season's companions Amy Pond(Karen Gillian) & Rory Williams(Aurther Darvill).  That mystery ran through the entire last two seasons of the show and brought new light into just what both the show and The Doctor is /was capable of.  The words and actors of the show such as the great Steven Moffat are driving the show into such a direction that would make the originals of show proud.
Add we all know if you have indeed watched and followers the show through the possibilities are prospects of it are absolutely endless. 

Doctor Who; The Voice; Life's Too Short; The Village – TV review

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